Thursday, November 12, 2015

Fake Allergies

Have you ever gotten an itchy throat from eating a fruit? Let's say, an apple. Or a strawberry. Or maybe even a grape. During my entire early childhood I thought I was allergic to apple skins because sometimes they made my throat itchy, so my mom peeled them off for me. The same itchiness has happened to me with other fruits.
I was wrong! What actually was bothering me was that the protein in the fruit has a similar protein to the trees, weeds and grasses of my hay fever allergy. Some people even say that there is some pollen on the fruit. If you have seasonal allergies like me, this has probably happened to you or will happen at some point. Have no fear! It's totally normal. And the symptoms don't usually last long. It may not bother you when the season changes so you can eat with comfort then. Or if the fruit is cooked, you should have no problem.
Don't get tricked by that sneaky pollen-food allergy!  You're good to go.

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